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 Restore region of the screen saved with FT_SAVRGN()


      FT_RSTRGN( <cScreen>, [ <nTop> ], [ <nLeft> ] ) -> NIL


     <cScreen> is a screen region previously returned from FT_SAVRGN().

     <nTop> and <nLeft> are optional parameters that define a new location
     for the upper left corner of the screen area contained in <cScreen>.
     Allowable values are 0 through 255.


     FT_RSTRGN() returns NIL.


     FT_RSTRGN() restores a screen region previously saved with
     FT_SAVRGN().  Calling FT_RSTRGN() with <cScreen> as the only
     parameter will restore the saved region to its original location.
     <nTop> and <nLeft> may be used to define a new location for the
     upper left corner of the saved region.

     <nTop> and <nLeft> are dependent upon each other. You may not
     specify one without the other.

     FT_RSTRGN() calls Clipper's RESTSCREEN().  Refer to the Clipper
     documentation for more information regarding this function.


     The following example uses FT_RSTRGN() to restore a saved portion
     of the screen to different locations.

     @ 00, 00, 24, 79 BOX "111111111"      // fill the screen with 1's
     cScreen = FT_SAVRGN(10, 10, 20, 30)   // save a region
     @ 00, 00, 24, 79 BOX "222222222"      // fill the screen with 2's
     FT_RSTRGN(cScreen)                    // restore the 1's region
     @ 00, 00, 24, 79 BOX "222222222"      // fill the screen with 2's
     FT_RSTRGN(cScreen, 15, 15)            // restore to a different location
     @ 00, 00, 24, 79 BOX "222222222"      // fill the screen with 2's
     FT_RSTRGN(cScreen, 20, 60)            // restore to a different location


 Author: David A. Richardson

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